Skyblue Institute of Design - Design & Architecture Entrance Exam Coaching I Professional Design Courses

Study Abroad

SKYBLUE Institute provides coaching and training to those who want to study Design in Abroad. The training includes change in mindset and thinking patterns, identifying strength and weakness, removing fear, etc. Fundamental part of training is to strengthen the emotional intelligence and spiritual intelligence of students.

Why to study Abroad?

  • Quality Education and Broaden Experience
  • Language Skills
  • New Culture
  • Career Opportunities
  • Personal Development
  • Global mind-set
  • Opportunity to Travel

We Provide:

Career Guidance:

Choosing the right career can be a very daunting task especially in a while which offers an array of paths, all of which seem to be leading to a golden goal. Career guidance will help you in selecting right career and institutes according the current scenario of the design industry and the abilities the individual possess.

Portfolio Preparation:

“A strong portfolio open doors, a weak portfolio closes them.” There are fundamental qualities that all outstanding portfolios share, and a variety of principals and techniques that can help to take your portfolio from average to excellent. It should be conceptual and meaningful.

Admission Guidance:

Every admission process starts with student profiling based on individual goals and career objectives.

Financial Accommodation Aid:

We keep you updating for scholarships as and when they become available. Even we help the students to find their accommodation at reasonable price and according to their requirements and financial strength.

Travel and Visa Assistance:

We help in obtaining visa for the student, right from the first step until the procedure is complete which includes filling up application, preparing financial statement, providing guidance and conducting mock interviews.

Study Abroad